Welcome to Dry January! Or not. Whatever.

Published on 3 January 2025 at 16:24

This is the absolute busiest time of the year for gyms and healthclubs.  Everyone has a New Years resolution to be healthier, get fit etc. And sometimes that includes drying out from all your holiday festivities and not drinking any alcohol all month. Hence, Dry January.  There are some cool sober alternatives.  Adaptogens, moody drinks etc.  I wish more clubs and restaurants offered that option instead of just the usual Diet Coke or Shirley Temple options you get if you are not drinking.  There are many more options than there were a few years ago, so that's a step in the right direction. I cut back massively on my boozy ways.  Mainly for health reasons, I was gaining so much weight and just super unhealthy.  Now that I wake up without a hangover, and I don't have blackout nights and I'm not spending tons of money on booze, I am really glad I took the step back.  I still love a good cocktail, but now more occasionally and socially than my need for it every day.  I love the Recess drinks and N/A beer but this Free AF mocktails taste like the real thing.  Its the party with out the passout.  https://amzn.to/42qWO7C  Cheers and Happy New Year! Xoxo, Angie Nash



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