We have snow here in Fort Wayne and its so fluffy and white right now and I all I can think about is how many sweaters is too many sweaters to buy in one weekend? The answer is limitless. This is a great time to buy sweaters specifically because the holiday ones are being clearanced out. And they're not all gingerbread men or christmas trees on them either sometimes the sweaters are just solid red or green or gold but since they were part of the holiday collection they gotta go! Now here's where it gets fun, MOST sweaters are priced to move late January and especially by February because that's when stores are trying to get Spring Break gear out the door and people are less likely to buy spring break clothes, shorts, tees etc, if they can also see winter apparel being displayed near. It's like outta sight outta mind. Shorts and tanks on display give you vacation vibes and you get the adrenaline rush and buy the shorts. But if you're shopping and you see shorts displayed with winter clothes, you're still in the winter gray dark frame of mind and you're not as willing to open your pocketbook for springy clothes. All that being said I've knit together a list of all the best sweater deals this weekend including Old Navy, Forever 21 and even Victorias Secret. Get cozy cutie!
This amazing striped turtle neck will go all the way through St Patricks Day https://www.victoriassecret.com/us/pink/apparel-catalog/1125583000?genericId=11255830&choice=6FMK&size1=L&size1=L&cm_mmc=PLA-_-GOOGLE-_-VSD_PINK_Tops_PMAX-_-&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAp4O8BhAkEiwAqv2UqMU2TrrxBYrq3vzaZ56WfrJvGIT6rUODew5XZODugAyolb-K6aKjHxoCrZ4QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
I love this basic super soft sweater from Old Navy and since it comes in the Cranberry color you can repurpose it for Valentines Day! Get it here https://oldnavy.gap.com/browse/product.do?pid=494112022&vid=1&searchText=women%20sale%20sweater#pdp-page-content
and finally Forever 21 is hit or miss sometimes for me with the sweaters because I am very textile sensitive and if it feels annoying, that's it, my whole day is ruined. This sweet little sweater is an absolute must have! The classy girlie bow detail is everything to me. https://www.forever21.com/us/2001336107.html
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