The Sweetest Time of the Year...It's Girl Scout Cookie Time!

Published on 7 January 2025 at 21:49

"Make new friends, but keep the old.  One is silver and the others gold"  If you know that line from that song you were probably a Girl Scout or Brownie at some point in your life.  At least when I was a Brownie and a Girl Scout we sang that song.  I don't even remember the amount of years that I was in the organization, but I do remember that I do not look back on it fondly.  That being said, I love Girl Scout Cookie Season!  It's just around the corner but I just found out that they're discontinuing 2 flavors this year.  Don't worry though, they weren't anyones favorite anyway.  This year they're 86'ing the Toast-Yay! and Girl Scout S'mores.  You can get while they last and then its over for those guys.  The Girl Scouts sell around 200 million boxes of cookies each year. This is a big business, generating about $800 million in revenue.  If you're new to earth and don't have any idea what I am even talking about, here's the rundown. Every year from January until about April girls from all over the country will be pushing their goods on us and every year I tell myself I will only buy 1 box of each of my favorites each season, but I fail completely every time I see the girls outside the supermarket or at the mall or the girls who set up outside a dispensary and sold completely out of 300 boxes in less than 6 hours.  That is that go getter spirit that The Girl Scouts are trying to instill in the troops.  The Girl Scout cookie program is designed to raise money and improve the financial literacy of girls. It's also considered "the largest girl-led entrepreneurial program in the world".  Girl Scout cookies are on Grub Hub but also you can order direct from a girl too.  This year with the loss of the Toast-Yay! and Smores the list is shorter but all your favorites are still there.  I am forever a Tagalong, Thin Mint and Samoa kind of girl. Did you know that there are actually 2 bakeries that make the cookies?  It depends on what side of the country you live on and depending on who bakes the cookies, some of them even have different names ie; Samoas = Caramel Delights 




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