Savor Fort Wayne is right around the corner and it's the best time to eat in the city. From January 15-26 you can dine at 60 different restaurants. I remember when Savor was just barely 20 restaurants and to see the growth is awesome. It truly gets better every year too. Its Restaurant Week in FW, 12 Delicious Days of Savor Fort Wayne, is how they position it but it should really be called Greatest Week Ever. The places you can choose from have all created a special menu or have special menu pricing or bogo deals. This is the time for you to try all those super pricey joints you've been dying to try but your pocketbook puts the car in reverse before you can even put your car in park. Ruth's Chris, Eddie Merlot and The Oyster Bar are on the list this year and on my must have list. The Oh-Five Scoop Shop and even YLNI Farmers Market will have a Savor popup this year. Here's the Savor website and its from my friends at Visit Fort Wayne.
*The dish below is from Baker's Street and yes, they're a participator.

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