If you are like 25% of americans you're trying out Dry January where we abstain from alcohol, you may notice that you cant get enough sugar. This is a totally common but not widely talked about side effect. Fun fact, if you go to rehab, one thing to consider is your recovery centers wellness program because some are very strict and do not allow sugar during your detox but there are others who openly encourage your friends and family to bring you hard candies while you're detoxing. So why do we crave sugar when we stop drinking? https://www.foodandwine.com/quitting-alcohol-craving-sugar-8775429 This is a great read but it boils down to how our brains and dopamine and sugar all work together to fool us into bliss. And you know the bliss I speak of, its the super cold beer at the end of the day, its the wine with your friends on a wednesday night and its also how happy you feel when you peel a roll of slice and bake cookie dough and eat it like a banana. It all feels amazing and in the same way. Have you ever seen an x-ray of a brain on cocaine and a brain on sugar? The x-rays look exactly the same because the feelings that both give you, is the same. However, coke is bad and sugar isn't great for you, but it is legal, so there's that.

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