It so much nicer to say Childhood Classics than Struggle Meal but we know they're the same thing. It's the very last items you still have in your fridge or cupboard before payday and you somehow make it into a meal. I used to always give them a fun name and years later my husband said that he remembered me adding 'special or surprise' to the end of what ever it was I was creating. Obviously Mac and Cheese with hotdogs, toast with butter and sugar and mini pizzas were always super fun in my house. Its easy and cheap:: bread, pizza sauce, cheese is the basics of it. I do remember when I was younger my mom would give me white bread dipped in milk and sugar sometimes. What is your favorite struggle meal? For me its definitely potatoes, sausage and onions. Easy cheap and it leaves lots of left overs and its even better the next day! Our friends at Buzzfeed asked their community and here are some of my favorites::

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