My children are grown so I don't have a dog in this fight except that I have been on both sides of this coin. So let me set the scene for you, you're out to dinner with your partner who you haven't had a night out alone with in a very long time. The 2 of you are at your favorite restaurant and the table next to yours has a screaming child. Either a baby, or a toddler or a teen just skibbiding so much you can't take another minute. Whoever is making your night miserable is not your problem. You probably don't know these people and will probably never see them again. Switch tables. It's ok, I promise you. Everyone has the right to enjoy their own experience in their own way and if I'm dining out and want to have a good time without your kids, I am going to ask to move tables. It's ok to do that. Is the other parent annoyed and probably embarrassed and already stressed to her core? Yes, probably. But it is still ok for you to move tables. Do it in a respectful polite manner, even maybe send the loud table a note with a glass of wine. The other side? I am out to dinner and my 3 small children are with me. They're noisy and probably a little restless but they still have every right to dine out just as you and your partner. My children have a right to be kids, whatever that looks like-within reason obv. I am not going to stop dining out with them. Eventually they'll grow up and someone else will be the annoying table in the restaurant.
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