I love to travel. My favorite sound in the world is the sound of my luggage rolling through the airport. I am just a regular suitcase traveler but I see all these travel accessories and gadgets for travel like cups holders that clip on your suitcase so you're not trying to handle a cup while you're searching for your boarding pass. But not for me because my husband has my boarding pass on his phone as I am the Passenger Princess, I am however interested in a travel neck pillow. I have never used them before because honestly for whatever reason, I always thought they were kind of dorky. I don't even know why I think that, but when I think of travel pillows, it is never someone attractive carrying one. Which is obviously nuts because they're not just for ugly dorks. In fact, we should all be using a travel pillow. Except for those ostrich pillow things. I am not doing that. I lived in a time when dancing involved a lot of neck. This neck has been through some rough dance moves. Multiple car wrecks, rollercoasters, turbulence, all of it has lead to an achy neck. Yet, even so, I get on that plane multiple times a year without a travel pillow. I see everyone around me snoozing comfy and not worrying if they packed the aspirin or not because definitely there will be some neck pain in the rental to the hotel. But yet, I still get on that plane without a travel pillow. One time we were at the airport and here comes my husband walking from the airport store, with a travel pillow. One travel pillow. Just the one. For him. I knew it was for him because it was blue. If it were for me it would've been pink. He's super observant and thoughtful like that. But still, JUST THE ONE comfy travel neck pillow. But I am ready and the time is right. I am not getting on a plane again without a travel neck pillow. But not a jenky one. I feel like they're a status symbol at the airport lounge. If I am doing it, it has got to be a nice one. Maybe a lavender scented one. Firm but soft too. I guess it would be nice if maybe was bluetooth also so that I could pack my earbuds instead of leaving them loose. (*sidenote:: last time I flew I dropped my earbud holder with earbuds inside because of course! I was so mad because I was sure they were going to slide to the back of the plane and I would never see them again. They slid around a bit and I stepped on them and held them under my shoe for the entire plane ride. All the way from PIE to FWA I had that little earbud holder trapped under my sneaker) My next trip is probably Florida spring break so this is the time to be scouting around for my new and not dorky travel neck pillow. I traveled all around the internet to find you this list of all the best neck pillows out there. https://www.cntraveler.com/story/travel-pillows
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