The way you mark wealth changes as you change, but for me when I was younger the first gauge of wealth was a swingset in the backyard, and then as I aged, the swingset changed and a wooden swingset in the backyard became the goal. Now for me, its a garage refrigerator. If you have a fridge in your garage I automatically think you're doing very well. The kind of 'very well' that you can just pump gas and stare off in the distance until the pump stops. I used to believe anytime you had a salaried position that was a sign of wealth. But what is really considered rich these days? Most people said that $2.5 million would mean rich, but turns out, there is no set amount. It's all relative to where you live and how wealthy the people around you are. $100,000 is a great salary for a small town in the midwest, but for someone living in NYC that is healthy salary, but definitely not a rich girls salary. Some indicators if people around you have money is if they own their home, if their children are in sports and if they travel. When you have money you have better access to mental health care and you know how important vacations are and they're just part of your families lifestyle budget. Bon Voyage baby!

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